Amanda Subalusky

Amanda Subalusky's picture
Postdoctoral Scientist
Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

Dr. Amanda Subalusky is a community and ecosystem ecologist who studies animal movement and behavior patterns and their influence on food web structure and ecosystem function. Amanda uses a range of methodological approaches to study the role of animals in nutrient cycling and translocation, how animal resource inputs can influence food webs and ecosystems, and how the loss or replacement of animal species can alter ecosystems. She began working in the Mara River Basin in 2008 as a Research Coordinator for a USAID-funded water resources management project. She then began her PhD at Yale University in 2010, conducting research in the Mara on the role of hippos and wildebeest in transporting resources from the savanna grasslands into the river ecosystem. Amanda is currently a Postdoctoral Scientist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, continuing to conduct research in the Mara River.