Kwaheri Mara!

November 15, 2016 - 11:11pm by Anonymous (not verified)

It’s always bittersweet leaving the Mara. This place is our second home, and we have a beautiful camp, good friends and an amazing river we hate to leave behind. On the other hand, after several months of no running water, limited solar power, and the same 4 outfits, you do start to long for modern conveniences. I usually crave salad, hot showers, a nice cappuccino, and a leisurely morning spent on my computer with the screen at full brightness. Nevertheless, the time has come to return to the US– we have a lot of samples to analyze in the lab, lots of papers to work on writing, and Chris is a teaching assistant for a class this semester. It’s going to be an exciting year… We’ll be working with Ella and James to write up their senior research projects. Chris and I both have several papers we’re working on publishing from our research. And we have a super exciting field season we’re planning for 2017! Already excited to think about heading back here…. Until then, kwaheri Mara (goodbye)!
Hippos on the bank of the Mara River

Our home in the Mara